Jun 9Liked by Daniel Bookman

Just read this piece. Very insightful and articulate as always, Bookie. I think for many in the silent majority here in Australia, it is not about avoiding uncomfortable conversations or sticking their necks out, they still aren't aware of the extent of the hatred and vitriol that Jewish Australians are facing. I would have found that hard to believe at this point but I am aware of a few examples personally, and it also makes me feel better than the alternatives.

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Thanks mate. And I agree. It was part of the reason I wrote this piece, as much for a non-Jewish audience as a Jewish one.

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Mar 24Liked by Daniel Bookman

Remarkable and insightful commentary. I have thought about where will I go, and decided that for me, it is only Israel.

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Mar 6Liked by Daniel Bookman

“Anti-Semitism is the canary in the coal mine. It is the sign of a sick society; one that accepts conspiracy over reason, and has a willingness to tolerate hatred, as long as it's directed against the "right" group as determined by the loudest voices. And when the world is defined in terms of the "right" and "wrong" binary, I promise you it's a lot easier to find yourself on the side of the "wrong" than the "right," whether you can see it today or not.”

Bit meta of me to quote you back to you (while quoting yourself), but I loved this part so much. Beyond sad we are here. Thanks for the epic read my friend. 🩵

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We're 4 levels deep in Inception right now, in comment limbo. I'm glad it resonated Jo, a little dark but important.

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Mar 3Liked by Daniel Bookman

thanks Booky. insightful & thoughtful as usual:)

I hope you guys are settling back in NYC ok..

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Thank you mate. Good to be back. Appreciate the feedback. Chat soon.

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Mar 2Liked by Daniel Bookman

brilliantly written, well articulated and on the money as always. great stuff booky

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Thanks Brett, appreciate that a lot.

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Mar 2Liked by Daniel Bookman

Thanks Daniel. You articulated the concerns that I, as a 5th generation Jewish Australian, never thought I would have in Australia as I approach 70 years of age. Sadly the Australian government has not only been “gutless” but worse, I feel deliberately oblivious with words and not actions. As you sadly and correctly say, we will always remember this time.

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Thanks Dennis. Hopefully the moment moves on, but I can't see the memory fading quickly (if at all). A dark reflection.

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Mar 2Liked by Daniel Bookman

Excellent piece. Didn’t appreciate that the Aus situation is considered more dire than in the US. As you mentioned, largely perpetuated and tolerated by the passive silent majority in Australia.

The article articulated what we’re all pondering now for the future. Thanks for sharing

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Thanks Huzz. I can only speak for my own very limited experience of the US, so don't want to generalize too much from that, but there seems to be something qualitatively different between the experiences in the two countries. I wouldn't go as far as to say one is worse than the other, but it definitely feels different, and I think it's rattled Australians in a unique way.

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